Why You Should Incorporate The Magic Tree House Series in Your Homeschool

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We have been reading The Magic Tree House series for years. Here are my reasons why I highly recommend them in every homeschool. 

They are short reads. A book can be finished in one sitting depending on the child's reading ability and attention span. We usually take around 15-20 minutes to finish an entire book depending on how thick it is. 

Another thing I like about it is the language that the author used. It's very easy to understand especially if you have young and emergent readers. Advanced readers will easily breeze through the pages. 


I know this series is intended for Grades 2 - 3. My son is in 6th grade but we still enjoy reading them and incorporating them in our homeschool lessons. What I love most about this series is that each book contains a unique topic of study. There were dinosaurs for the first book then pirates in another book, Egypt in another, the Amazon forest in another, and so on. Because of this format, we can use the book as an introduction to a unit study. We've had multiple unit studies over the years. Unit studies are great because if your child is very interested in a particular topic, you can dive in deep and learn so much about it. You can extend it to include different kinds of activities such as STEAM, language, more reading activities, etc. This is the reason why it's taking us a long time to finish all of the books in this series. I keep extending the lessons to include more activities and more learning. 

Another great way to utilize this series is by having crossover lessons with other series. For example, I used Afternoon on the Amazon for the crossover lesson for this book. (The link will take you to a free video lesson I made using the book, The Dinosaur Detectives in The Amazon Rainforest.)  

I also like the fact that the books don't just focus on a specific subject, for example, animals. The whole series is huge and features science, history, biography, and many more topics. Whatever your child fancies, I'm sure you will be able to find a title in this series that they will love. 

If you would like to buy a few copies for your homeschool, I'm having a warehouse sale on the titles above. You can find them here and here. Since they are warehouse finds, they are not in pristine condition. The pages are discolored but they are still okay for use. We actually have several books from this batch in our home library. A brand new book costs over Php300 but I'm selling them for only Php80.

If you want free unit study lessons, feel free to subscribe to my channel, Learn with Teacher E. It's a new channel so there are only a few lessons available but I try to upload one per week. I also offer a full subscription to each video lesson posted. Just watch the videos to learn more. 

Do you have a favorite book series in your homeschool? I'd love to know what it is! Share in the comments below!


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