National Book Store Back-to-School Fair 2019 Photos and Haul

Today is the start of the NBS Back-to-School Fair at the Glorietta Activity Center. We went there hoping not to be disappointed as we were very disappointed in their first BTS event a couple of years ago. I have to say that I wasn't disappointed but wasn't exactly thrilled either. The reason being, there were only a few choices and most of the things you will find there are also in-store. HOWEVER, some of the brands have special promos and freebies so it's still worth a visit if you are shopping for supplies.

Here are some photos of what you can buy:

Limelight journals

Character pencil cases

It's great that Best Buy has these adhesive book covers now!

The above pens are on sale

Hygiene kits

This is the huge desk at Limelight. My son gets a kick out of over-sized things 

These items from Crocodile Creek are on sale

It was the first time I saw these character pencils from Mongol. They had Avengers, Spiderman and Barbie.They also have basketball teams. 

Some of the booths like Faber Castell were offering activities for the kids. 

Lots of different kinds of pens from different brands are there

This is the Pilot booth

Veco journals abound!

My son had a blast going around the booths and asking for the signatures of the staff. It was supposed to be a stamp but none of them were ready. You will be given a flyer when you enter and you have to fill it up with signatures from each of the booths so you can get a raffle coupon for the draw. There are different prizes to be given away. First prize is 10,000 worth of NBS GC. One coupon for every 100-peso purchase. Give your completed flyer and receipt to customer service by the entrance to get your raffle coupons. 

Check out our haul here:
Stay tuned for more photos in my Ig:@lifebyladye
If you're a homeschooler in the Philippines, join my FB group: Homeschool Resources Philippines


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